I wanted to create a beautiful resin collage art work and never got a chance to try on it. I have been doing a monochrome color theme for a client of mine and felt this would be the perfect chance for me to get my hands on.
so I have just used some random frames from Home goods and jewelry trays from amazon.
Materials Needed for this project:

Step by Step in detail:
- Take any of the frames that I have added above.
- Take a container and mix the resin and the resin hardener in equal portions and mix well.
- Add some color to the resin mixture and pour it in the frame.
- Dip the artifact into the resin and let it dry. This will set the artifact with hardened resin and stick it for good. Resin has super strong bond and will not come off.
- Now arrange collage the frames on a plywood sheet and mark the orientation
- Cut the plywood according to the collage shape.
- Make a box out of the panel to make the plywood stand on it.
Check out this video.