We love creating arched panels. Achieving the smooth, rounded edge can be a bit tricky, requiring patience and effort. However, the end result is well worth it, instantly elevating the aesthetic of the space. In our recent project we created the arched panel and combined with a mirror and used it as a focal point for our space.
If you’ve been loving arches as much as we have, here’s how you can do it too. Firstly, let’s see how to create an arched panel.
Creating arched plywood panel
Materials required :
- Plywood (1/4 inch or 1/2 inch thickness)
- Jigsaw or bandsaw
- Drill press or hand drill
- Sandpaper
- Wood glue
- Clamps
- Measuring tape
- Pencil and marker
- Thread
Instructions :
- Plan Your Arch:
- Decide on the size and shape of your arch panel, including the width, height, and radius of the arch.
- Mark the Center:
- Tie a thread or string to a nail and anchor it at the center of the panel to mark the arch’s midpoint.
- Mark the Arch:
- Create the arch outline by drawing a circle around the center point, using the thread as a guide.

- Cut the Plywood:
- Use a jigsaw or bandsaw to cut two identical arch shapes from the plywood, following the marked outline. Be sure to cut precisely to achieve symmetrical arches.

We chose to do a combination of wall paper and mirror for this panel. Let’s look at how we installed pre-pasted wall paper to this panel.
Pre-pasted / traditional wall paper installation
Materials required :
- Pre-pasted wallpaper
- Water
- A large tub or container
- A smoothing tool (a smoothing brush or a damp cloth)
- A sponge or brush
- A cutting tool like a utility knife or scissors
Instructions :
- Ensure the surface is clean, dry, and free of any debris.
- Fill any holes with joint compound and sand smooth.
- Measure the width of the wallpaper and the plywood.
- Cut the wallpaper into strips, leaving extra length for trimming.
- Fill a tub or container with water and immerse the wallpaper strip for about 30 seconds to 1 minute.

- Ensure the paper is fully saturated but not soaking wet.
- Take the wallpaper out and fold it like a newspaper, then let it sit for a few minutes. This activates the adhesive.
- Remove the wallpaper from the water and apply it to the plywood, starting at the center and working your way outwards.

- Use a sponge or brush to smooth out bubbles or excess paste.
- Use a cutting tool to trim excess paper at the edges.

For the full look, catch my next blog post.