Water feature

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I know this post is supposed to be a spring post and not a fall post :P. I waited this long to see a lily bloomed in my water feature, but had no luck on it. I can wait no more to share this simple yet elegant project for your garden.

I really fell in love with lotus bowls when we visited Thailand. Thailand temples have these pretty lotus bowls every nook and corner adorning the beauty of the architecture. Since then, I always wanted to have one such lovely lotus bowl in my garden. I tried really hard to find a nice zen bowl, but this is the closest I could get and I made peace with it. Never mind about the mess, it will look much better in the end trust me :).

Lets get started with setting up the water feature all by yourself. First thing to do is decide the location you want the bowl to be placed, the best places for this size of a bowl would be either your front yard, or your deck or front porch and even your entryway inside your home.

Things you need:

  1. A huge water bowl with no drain hole.
  2. your choice of water plants
    • Water lettuce
    • hyacinth
    • Water lily
    • Lotus
  3. Some rocks for building the height
  4. Water conditioner to avoid algae. I got it from amazon.
  5. Small water fountain (optional)

I got the water lily from lowes. It will be in this bulb containers


Clean up the bowl you want to set up the water feature.


Some water plants need a specific height in the bowl, not all plants can be placed at the bottom of your bowl. Depending on your plants instructions, place the rocks to get approximate height.


Place the plants and bulbs based on the heights your different rocks you have already placed.


Fill in the bowl with water and add in the water conditioner to avoid the formation of algae.

You are all set with the water beauty, sit and relax to watch the beauties grow in your bowl.

I have had a lot of questions about the lotus bowl. So here I am putting all the FAQs for you guys here:

1. How soon do you get the bloom.

I have planted this lilly 4 years back and havent seen a single flower for 2 yrs later. All through the summer this bowl had become a frog bath tub🐸, so have decided to put away the bowl scared of attracting its successors🐉. Just when I was about to take it off this happens, it bloomed a lovely flower.

Who in world can throw away this glory. I think this view is just worth all the frog trips to my bowl 😜😜.

2. How do I maintain the bowl

Well, In the first year I did put in some water conditioner and changed water every month. But then I gave up all of it and just let it grow on its own. Guess what, thats when it started blooming 🙂